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What is Bacne? Bacne...7 Steps to blast your back acne!

Acne on your back

What is Bacne?


Here's a question we receive so many times... I suffer with really bad acne on top off my back and shoulders. Can you please help?


Acne or severe breakouts on your back is called BACNE

What is Bacne?


Bacne is a skin condition that is similar to your face except its on your back. A good routine is always a must to heal, protect and encourage the skin to rejuvenate. Often pimples and blackheads come from a build up of dead skin, sweat, products and more. When these breakouts happen on our bodies, it’s tricky as our clothes rub constantly which can then irritate it.


Step 1: NEVER ever pick your spots. This will spread them and encourage new ones to form. 


Step 2: Don’t over use your body scrubs and please just treat your skin gently and with lots of love. Body Scrubs should be used no more than 2 times a week and be aware that if your body scrub contains nut or plastic fragments, that this can aggravate your skin. Our Cocoa + Coffee Body Scrub has been formulated to detox, restore, heal and revive your skin. It melts away leaving your skin smooth, soft and happy


Step 3: When showering avoid having hot showers as this will stimulate the oil production, increasing breakouts, dehydration and sensitivity. 


Step 4: When washing your hair, be sure to rinse your back thoroughly after using hair products as this can often aggravate your skin if left on after showering. 


Step 5: When exposed to the sun, always use a sunscreen as this can prevent scarring and further damage to the skin. 


Step 6: Here's another little tip when your Bacne is flaring up...never wear the same top or pjs twice until the breakouts have healed. This will increase infection and slow the healing process. Oh and change your sheets regularly. 


Step 7: We recommend to apply a thin layer of our FIX IT Green Clay Mask on each spot in the evening before bed. Leave it on overnight and shower off in the morning. You can use this as often as you like.


If you have any concerns or would like to find out more please reach out to us so we can help

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